23Jan 2014
Prepare The Box Of Essentials Well In Advance
Prepare The Box Of Essentials Well In Advance
When you are between properties on a removal, it is absolutely imperative that you pack a comprehensive box of things for the journey. There will be a large part of the day where you cannot get to the things in the van, and to go through all of the boxes would be hugely destructive in terms of the removal’s efficiency any way. To prevent this being a problem, you need to pack well in advance, a box of things that you know will be needed during the journey, a little like when you are setting out on a journey in the snow! Sometimes it is easy to miss certain things off, simply because you haven’t thought about it that carefully, so here are a few items to consider...1.    Food. Depending on how long your journey, you will obviously need to eat! The things that you pack will obviously be dependent on the people involved in the move. If you can, it is sometimes nice to stop at a service station and get fast food for everybody, as this can be a nice treat for everyone, and will certainly keep the kids happy if you are traveling with children! Obviously, if you have anyone in the family who needs anything in particular, you need to be sure that you have it packed in a way that is safe. You will likely have defrosted the fridge and freezer a few days before the move, meaning that you need to find a way to store things that need refrigeration cleverly. Try asking a neighbor as to whether you can use their fridge for your road snacks!2.    Things for the removals team.This is basically snacks, tea, coffee and biscuits. Many removals team will rely on tea and coffee breaks to keep them refreshed throughout the day. You need to be sure that you have such things in abundance, to both keep the removals team happy and energized, but also to keep them on your side! If the team feel like you are thinking about them as much as they are helping you, then they are likely to do a much better job. Ask the foreman who books your move in as to what they think the removals team would like to have on hand, and make sure that you get a lot of it!3.    Blankets and spare clothes.You never know what could happen on a removal, so be sure that you pack blankets and spare jumpers or clothes, just in case you get stuck in a cold car outside the house because of keys, or if you get wet in the rain. The fact of the matter is, you need to remember that the house you are heading for is not as hospitable as your old place, as it doesn’t have any of your things in it anymore! If you arrive with a wet shirt because you spilt water all over yourself, then you are not going to be able to devote your full attention to the move until you get a dry one on! 4.    EntertainmentIf you are traveling with kids, or just with a few people in the car with you, then you need to think about keeping them entertained in the car. Sometimes the radio can be enough, but smaller children may need their favorite toys, or a book to keep them calm, happy and content. Anything that you think will make your life easier should be in the traveling box!
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